Tag: Sleeper

Digital assets will be a ‘sleeper issue’ for 2024 elections

Digital assets will be a ‘sleeper issue’ for 2024 elections

Tom Emmer, majority whip of the United States House of Representatives and crypto proponent, says that digital assets have become a “sleeper issue” in [...]
Tough sleeper numbers estimated down a 3rd in a 12 months

Tough sleeper numbers estimated down a 3rd in a 12 months

The official estimate exhibits 2,688 individuals sleeping tough on one autumn night time in 2020 down 1,578 on 2019. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Covid: Labour requires emergency tough sleeper plan to be revived

Covid: Labour requires emergency tough sleeper plan to be revived

Ministers are urged to revive spring's "Everybody In" emergency plan to assist save lives this winter. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Bitcoin Money ‘Sleeper’ Tax Stays Scorching Challenge for BCH Neighborhood

Bitcoin Money ‘Sleeper’ Tax Stays Scorching Challenge for BCH Neighborhood

Regardless of being roundly rejected by a vocal majority of the Bitcoin Money neighborhood, a controversial miner’s tax remains to be inflicting r [...]
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