Tag: Taliban

1 2 3 4 5 60 / 67 POSTS
Trump’s Deal With the Taliban Attracts Hearth From His Former Allies

Trump’s Deal With the Taliban Attracts Hearth From His Former Allies

WASHINGTON — Days earlier than the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, assaults two years in the past, President Donald J. Trump had a novel concept [...]
G7 international ministers urge Taliban to guard civilians

G7 international ministers urge Taliban to guard civilians

Dominic Raab chairs a name of G7 ministers to debate Afghanistan whereas going through calls to resign. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Will the Taliban roll again 20 years of public well being progress in Afghanistan?

Will the Taliban roll again 20 years of public well being progress in Afghanistan?

For the reason that Taliban retook Kabul this previous Sunday, observers around the globe have frightened about what the spiritual group’s manag [...]
Afghanistan: Who initially supported Trump's take care of the Taliban?

Afghanistan: Who initially supported Trump's take care of the Taliban?

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace now calls it a "rotten" deal however supported it on the time. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Navy to Work With Taliban to Guarantee Evacuations, Pentagon Says

Navy to Work With Taliban to Guarantee Evacuations, Pentagon Says

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s high two leaders mentioned on Wednesday that the U.S. authorities is dedicated to evacuating all Individuals who wish t [...]
Priti Patel: ‘I do not imagine the Taliban on ladies’s rights’

Priti Patel: ‘I do not imagine the Taliban on ladies’s rights’

Residence Secretary Priti Patel has stated she would not imagine the "PR operation that we're at present seeing" from the Taliban on ladies's right [...]
Johnson on UK troops leaving Afghanistan and Taliban take over

Johnson on UK troops leaving Afghanistan and Taliban take over

The prime minister has stated British troops ought to be "pleased with their achievements and we ought to be deeply pleased with them", as MPs retu [...]
Starmer on UK troops leaving Afghanistan and Taliban take over

Starmer on UK troops leaving Afghanistan and Taliban take over

The Labour chief has informed British troops that their sacrifices in Afghanistan had been “not in useless”, saying they deserved “higher than this [...]
USD/AFN Hits Document Excessive as US Freezes Afghan Property After Taliban Seizes Kabul

USD/AFN Hits Document Excessive as US Freezes Afghan Property After Taliban Seizes Kabul

Afghanistan, Taliban, USD/AFN, Federal Reserve, Kabul – Speaking FactorsBiden Administration freezes Afghan gov’t belongings held in US banksUS Gr [...]
UK to welcome 20,000 Afghans amid Taliban takeover

UK to welcome 20,000 Afghans amid Taliban takeover

Some 5,000 refugees shall be eligible underneath a brand new scheme within the first 12 months, on prime of 5,000 Afghan employees. www.bbc.co.u [...]
Biden addresses nation on Afghanistan, Taliban takeover

Biden addresses nation on Afghanistan, Taliban takeover

[The stream is slated to start at 3:45 p.m. ET. Please refresh the page if you do not see a player above at that time.]WASHINGTON – President Joe B [...]
The speedy fall of Afghanistan to Taliban forces, defined

The speedy fall of Afghanistan to Taliban forces, defined

On Sunday morning, the Taliban efficiently reached Afghanistan’s capital metropolis, Kabul, following an accelerated sweep throughout the nation [...]
Afghanistan: How the Taliban gained floor so rapidly

Afghanistan: How the Taliban gained floor so rapidly

The scenario appears to be like bleak for the Afghan authorities, however there should be an opportunity of a stalemate. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
How is the Taliban gaining so quick in Afghanistan?

How is the Taliban gaining so quick in Afghanistan?

The Taliban is quickly overrunning giant components of Afghanistan. Over the previous few days, Taliban fighters have reportedly taken over 9 pr [...]
The US is stepping up efforts to save lots of Afghan allies amid a Taliban offensive

The US is stepping up efforts to save lots of Afghan allies amid a Taliban offensive

The Biden administration will start evacuating 1000's of Afghans who labored for the US authorities later this month, forward of an August 31 de [...]
1 2 3 4 5 60 / 67 POSTS