Tag: transact

Reject CBDCs, Embrace the Right to Transact

Reject CBDCs, Embrace the Right to Transact

Nothing otherwise illegal is somehow rendered lawful by the right for people to transact freely: bad behavior is still policed, but not through arbitr [...]
Lightning Labs releases tools letting AI transact and hold Bitcoin

Lightning Labs releases tools letting AI transact and hold Bitcoin

Bitcoin (BTC) Lightning Network development firm Lightning Labs unveiled a new set of tools for artificial intelligence to send and receive BTC on the [...]
Russians transact $5B in crypto each year, Bank of Russia says

Russians transact $5B in crypto each year, Bank of Russia says

Russian people are among the world’s most active participants of the cryptocurrency market, according to the country’s central bank.The Bank of Rus [...]
BTC buyers shouldn’t transact till tax code modified

BTC buyers shouldn’t transact till tax code modified

Cathie Wooden, the founder and CEO of Ark Make investments, is cautioning buyers to not promote or transact their Bitcoin (BTC) till the US Inside [...]
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