Tag: unfunded

Labour accuses Tories of planning unfunded tax cuts

Labour accuses Tories of planning unfunded tax cuts

12 minutes agoBy Henry Zeffman, @hzeffman, Chief Political CorrespondentReutersLabour has accused the Conservatives of proposing unfunded tax cuts aft [...]
Tory manifesto ‘wish list of unfunded promises’

Tory manifesto ‘wish list of unfunded promises’

The shadow chancellor said the “money is not there” to fund Tory election plans, claiming mortgages would rise by £4,800. Rachel Reeves was reacting a [...]
Is Starmer right about a £46bn unfunded tax cut?

Is Starmer right about a £46bn unfunded tax cut?

Keir Starmer keeps talking about the Conservatives having a £46bn hole in their finances because of the ambition to abolish National Insurance. www.b [...]
Labour’s rail plan ‘unfunded’, says transport secretary

Labour’s rail plan ‘unfunded’, says transport secretary

The transport secretary said there was “nothing” in Labour’s plan that would make rail services better for passengers.Mark Harper predicted it would l [...]
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