Tag: updates

1 21 22 23 24 345 / 359 POSTS
Trump Impeachment Trial: Dwell Updates

Trump Impeachment Trial: Dwell Updates

Near 100 legislation professors and authorized historians, in an open letter to the Senate on Friday, rejected the arguments put ahead by the Trum [...]
Iowa caucuses 2020: Information, outcomes, updates, evaluation

Iowa caucuses 2020: Information, outcomes, updates, evaluation

With polls of the 2020 Democratic presidential major displaying a four-way race and no clear chief, voters in Iowa will head to their ca [...]
Dwell Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Dwell Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Senator Lamar Alexander this week on the Capitol. He was one among 4 Republicans thought of crucial to the query of whether or not to name witnesse [...]
Reside Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Reside Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Senator Lamar Alexander this week on the Capitol. He was one in all 4 Republicans thought of important to the query of whether or not to name witne [...]
Stay Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Stay Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. on Capitol Hill Wednesday night time.Credit score...Erin Schaff/The New York InstancesIf a vote on listening to w [...]
Dwell Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Dwell Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

For these preserving monitor, Senators John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, and Gary Peters, Democrat of Michigan, requested the third bipartisan quer [...]
Stay Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Stay Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

For these preserving monitor, Senators John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, and Gary Peters, Democrat of Michigan, requested the third bipartisan quer [...]
Dwell Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Dwell Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Jay Sekulow, one of many president’s legal professionals, has made a easy case to the senators: The president is below assault, they usually should [...]
Stay Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Stay Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Senator Pat Roberts, Republican of Kansas, stated his spouse, Franki, fielded a lot of calls on Wednesday from individuals who wished to “categoric [...]
Reside Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Reside Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

After 5 hours of questioning, senators broke for a 45-minute dinner break at 6:39 p.m. Japanese. Over the past two days, almost 150 questions have [...]
Trump Impeachment Trial: Dwell Updates

Trump Impeachment Trial: Dwell Updates

Senator Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday on the Capitol.Credit score...Erin Schaff/The New York InstancesSenator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massach [...]
Trump Impeachment Trial: Stay Updates

Trump Impeachment Trial: Stay Updates

Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman labored hand in hand in Ukraine final yr to assist Rudolph W. Giuliani dig up damaging details about President Trump’s p [...]
Trump Impeachment Trial: Stay Updates

Trump Impeachment Trial: Stay Updates

Viewers watching the question-and-answer interval of the trial on tv will discover a protracted pause that follows every time a senator tells Chief [...]
Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Alan Dershowitz, who defended President Trump on Wednesday by asserting an expansive view of presidential energy during which presidents can do vir [...]
Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Updates on the Final Day of Questioning

Alan Dershowitz, who defended President Trump on Wednesday by asserting an expansive view of presidential energy through which presidents can do vi [...]
1 21 22 23 24 345 / 359 POSTS