Tag: urged

1 5 6 7 8 9 11 105 / 158 POSTS
Social care: Ministers urged to 'act now' on funding reform

Social care: Ministers urged to 'act now' on funding reform

Seven organisations representing the sector in England say a plan should be revealed inside a month. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Boris Johnson urged to 'step up' to sort out current NI rioting

Boris Johnson urged to 'step up' to sort out current NI rioting

A number of high-profile figures together with former NI secretaries wrote to Boris Johnson expressing considerations. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Race report: Boris Johnson urged to withdraw 'whitewashing' inquiry

Race report: Boris Johnson urged to withdraw 'whitewashing' inquiry

An open letter signed by 20,000 says a report into racial inequality "provoked nationwide indignation". www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Covid: Ministers urged to assist tenants and landlords with lease arrears

Covid: Ministers urged to assist tenants and landlords with lease arrears

MPs say the federal government ought to act to forestall an increase in homelessness after the eviction ban ends. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
: Feds announce COVID-related help for disabled scholar mortgage debtors, falling in need of aid urged by advocates

: Feds announce COVID-related help for disabled scholar mortgage debtors, falling in need of aid urged by advocates

Posted by: Market Watch in Market Information 18 minutes in the past Advocates have been calling on the Biden administration to routinely c [...]
Rainsbrook: Authorities urged to take over personal youth jail

Rainsbrook: Authorities urged to take over personal youth jail

One MP says guarantees made by the personal jail are "value lower than the paper they're written on". www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Covid: Boris Johnson urged to share vaccines with poorer nations

Covid: Boris Johnson urged to share vaccines with poorer nations

A gaggle of charities is looking on Boris Johnson to start donating vaccines by means of Covax. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Equalities minister Kemi Badenoch urged to give up over LGBT+ stance

Equalities minister Kemi Badenoch urged to give up over LGBT+ stance

Kemi Badenoch is criticised by former adviser amid anger over delays to banning conversion remedy. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Covid-19: Ministers urged to ban 'reckless' evictions over lease arrears

Covid-19: Ministers urged to ban 'reckless' evictions over lease arrears

A bunch of MPs and friends is looking for pressing motion to finish the Covid-19 lease debt disaster in England. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Authorities urged to make sure convicted intercourse offenders can not work as tutors

Authorities urged to make sure convicted intercourse offenders can not work as tutors

The federal government is being urged to shut a authorized loophole to cease convicted intercourse offenders working with kids as personal tutors. [...]
Excessive Court docket urged to overturn PM's determination to face by Priti Patel

Excessive Court docket urged to overturn PM's determination to face by Priti Patel

Boris Johnson's defence of the house secretary over bullying claims precipitated "dismay and anger", a union says. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Covid: Equalities watchdog urged to analyze UK’s pandemic response

Covid: Equalities watchdog urged to analyze UK’s pandemic response

In a letter to the Equalities and Human Rights Fee, the teams - together with the TUC, the Fawcett Society and Save the Kids - recommend the feder [...]
Authorities urged to scale back workers in DVLA HQ

Authorities urged to scale back workers in DVLA HQ

One employee died and greater than 500 folks have been unwell after getting Covid on the Swansea website. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 11 105 / 158 POSTS