Tag: urged

1 7 8 9 10 11 135 / 158 POSTS
‘Unsurvivable’: Coastal residents urged to flee forward of Hurricane Laura

‘Unsurvivable’: Coastal residents urged to flee forward of Hurricane Laura

Winds have been anticipated to achieve 150 mph earlier than landfall, and forecasters stated as much as 15 inches of rain may fall in some locatio [...]
Michelle Obama Urged Everybody to Vote. Her Necklace Spelled It Out.

Michelle Obama Urged Everybody to Vote. Her Necklace Spelled It Out.

It was a largely purple, white and blue night capped off by a fragile necklace with 4 letters strung out on a skinny gold chain, like 4 bated breat [...]
Coronavirus: Get automobiles off the street, authorities urged

Coronavirus: Get automobiles off the street, authorities urged

The federal government is being urged to "get automobiles off the street", as visi [...]
Democratic Conference Strikes to Smaller Venue, as Delegates Are Urged to Keep Away

Democratic Conference Strikes to Smaller Venue, as Delegates Are Urged to Keep Away

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Nationwide Conference will transfer out of Milwaukee’s skilled basketball area, and state delegations are being urged t [...]
Chris Janicek, a Nebraska Democrat, Is Urged to Drop Out of Senate Race Over Sexual Texts

Chris Janicek, a Nebraska Democrat, Is Urged to Drop Out of Senate Race Over Sexual Texts

The girl responded with a prolonged message by which she mentioned their work-related disagreement after which mentioned of Mr. Janicek’s textual c [...]
Coronavirus: Drop plan to reopen primaries to all pupils, ministers urged

Coronavirus: Drop plan to reopen primaries to all pupils, ministers urged

Faculty governors need ministers to drop plans for all major pupils in England to [...]
1 7 8 9 10 11 135 / 158 POSTS