Tag: V.P

Tim Scott Fund-Raiser Includes Trump-Resistant Donors as V.P. Race Heats Up

Tim Scott Fund-Raiser Includes Trump-Resistant Donors as V.P. Race Heats Up

The South Carolina senator is said to be high on Donald Trump’s list of potential running mates, and his fund-raising ability could lift his chances o [...]
A Match Made in MAGA: How a Friendship Helped J.D. Vance Land on Trump’s V.P. List

A Match Made in MAGA: How a Friendship Helped J.D. Vance Land on Trump’s V.P. List

The Ohio senator and Donald Trump Jr. have bonded politically and personally. It’s a relationship that could factor into the former president’s search [...]
As Trump Ponders V.P. Contenders, He Asks: Can They Help Me Raise Cash?

As Trump Ponders V.P. Contenders, He Asks: Can They Help Me Raise Cash?

Donald Trump’s concerns about money may have entered his vice-presidential calculations, along with political considerations and which contenders he l [...]
Potential Trump V.P. Picks Flock to CPAC, Auditioning for the Spot By His Side

Potential Trump V.P. Picks Flock to CPAC, Auditioning for the Spot By His Side

Republicans at the conservative conference near Washington are celebrating the former president as if he has already secured the presidential nominati [...]
Kristi Noem, Likely to Endorse Trump, Kicks Off Fight to Be His V.P.

Kristi Noem, Likely to Endorse Trump, Kicks Off Fight to Be His V.P.

Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota is likely to issue a Friday endorsement of the former president, whose large lead in polls has stirred speculation ab [...]
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