Tag: voting

1 7 8 9 10 11 46 135 / 677 POSTS
Here’s How Ranked-Choice Voting Works

Here’s How Ranked-Choice Voting Works

The system, in which voters list candidates in order of preference, is gaining popularity around the nation. Nevada will vote whether to adopt it. ww [...]
Fears and Suspicion Hang Over Voting on Cusp of Election Day

Fears and Suspicion Hang Over Voting on Cusp of Election Day

Even as voting goes smoothly, the 2022 midterm elections have exposed the toll Donald J. Trump’s falsehoods have taken on American democracy. www.nyt [...]
Republican Lawsuits Aim to Push In-Person Election Day Voting

Republican Lawsuits Aim to Push In-Person Election Day Voting

The efforts, which are strong in battleground states, could create a false impression that Republicans are faring better on election night. www.nytim [...]
Fears and Suspicion Hang Over Voting on Cusp of Election Day

Fears and Suspicion Hang Over Voting on Cusp of Election Day

Even as voting goes smoothly, the 2022 midterm elections have exposed the toll Donald J. Trump’s falsehoods have taken on American democracy. www.nyt [...]
What Happened on Georgia’s Last Day of Early Voting

What Happened on Georgia’s Last Day of Early Voting

A Democratic former congressman gave his support to the incumbent Republican governor. www.nytimes.com [...]
Nevada and ranked-choice voting could kill the partisan primary

Nevada and ranked-choice voting could kill the partisan primary

Can much of America’s current political dysfunction be traced back to one feature of our system: the partisan primary? And if so, what should be do [...]
How Does Early Voting Work?

How Does Early Voting Work?

Most states allow pre-election voting, which surged in popularity during the 2020 election, although rules vary. www.nytimes.com [...]
How Does Early Voting Work?

How Does Early Voting Work?

Most states allow pre-election voting, which surged in popularity during the 2020 election, although rules vary. www.nytimes.com [...]
Debunking Voting Misinformation About the Midterm Elections

Debunking Voting Misinformation About the Midterm Elections

Here are some of the main falsehoods and rumors that have spread on social media in the lead-up to Election Day. www.nytimes.com [...]
5 Unfounded Claims About Voting in the Midterm Elections

5 Unfounded Claims About Voting in the Midterm Elections

Here are some of the main falsehoods and rumors that have spread on social media in the lead-up to Election Day. www.nytimes.com [...]
Who is voting for incumbent President Jaír Bolsonaro in Brazil and why?

Who is voting for incumbent President Jaír Bolsonaro in Brazil and why?

The runoff presidential election in Brazil is close. Right now, the left-wing Workers’ Party (PT) candidate and former President Luiz Inácio Lula d [...]
Binance Denies Allegations That it Intends to Use Users Uniswap Tokens for Voting

Binance Denies Allegations That it Intends to Use Users Uniswap Tokens for Voting

“Binance doesn’t vote with user’s tokens. In this case, there has been a misunderstanding of what happened during the transfer of a large balance of U [...]
Binance Becomes Second-Largest Voting Entity on Uniswap DAO

Binance Becomes Second-Largest Voting Entity on Uniswap DAO

A group of core developers maintains the Uniswap codebase, but key protocol decisions are governed by the Uniswap DAO, or decentralized autonomous org [...]
Ballot Measures in Swing States Could Have Sizable Impact on 2024 Voting

Ballot Measures in Swing States Could Have Sizable Impact on 2024 Voting

Ballot measures in several swing states could have significant implications on voting in the 2024 presidential election. www.nytimes.com [...]
Election Deniers in U.S. Push Idea of Voting Fraud in Brazil

Election Deniers in U.S. Push Idea of Voting Fraud in Brazil

Some prominent election denialists in the United States are using Brazil to try to whip up concern about the approaching midterms. www.nytimes.com [...]
1 7 8 9 10 11 46 135 / 677 POSTS