Tag: war039

'We don't want UK-EU trade war' – Irish PM

'We don't want UK-EU trade war' – Irish PM

Micheál Martin says he is hopeful he will not have to contemplate tariffs against UK exports. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Starmer warned Labour leadership rule changes risk 'civil war'

Starmer warned Labour leadership rule changes risk 'civil war'

New leader of the Unite union Sharon Graham criticises proposals to change the rules to elect future a Labour leader. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Afghanistan 'heading for civil warfare' says Defence Secretary

Afghanistan 'heading for civil warfare' says Defence Secretary

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace says it's seemingly that poverty and terrorism will improve within the nation. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Archbishop Welby warns of 'tradition conflict' over statues

Archbishop Welby warns of 'tradition conflict' over statues

Justin Welby says historic context issues in terms of the controversy over eradicating monuments. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
Lisa Nandy on Labour's 'factional battle' below Corbyn

Lisa Nandy on Labour's 'factional battle' below Corbyn

Labour management contender Lisa Nandy has stated Labour has had "4 years" of infighting. www.bbc.co.uk [...]
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