Tag: winddown

Venture-Backed Saddle Finance Proposes Wind-Down, Dissolution

Venture-Backed Saddle Finance Proposes Wind-Down, Dissolution

The snap poll comes after the monumental hack of decentralized exchange (DEX) giant Curve last month, which ripped through Ethereum's decentralized fi [...]
NEAR Foundation Urges Wind-Down of USN Stablecoin, Sets Aside $40M

NEAR Foundation Urges Wind-Down of USN Stablecoin, Sets Aside $40M

"With the USN Protection Programme, NEAR Foundation understands that USN is now overcollateralized, as there is also approximately 5.7 million $NEAR t [...]
Huobi closes crypto derivatives as part of wind-down for Chinese traders

Huobi closes crypto derivatives as part of wind-down for Chinese traders

Major cryptocurrency exchange Huobi has ended futures and other derivatives trading in mainland China today, as planned.Earlier this month, cryptoc [...]
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