DeFi Degens Are Crypto’s Suicide Squad

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DeFi Degens Are Crypto’s Suicide Squad

A have a look at the subculture and ethos driving the white-hot DeFi house, which has grown from $2 billion to $9 billion in complete worth locked

A have a look at the subculture and ethos driving the white-hot DeFi house, which has grown from $2 billion to $9 billion in complete worth locked in simply two months.

At present on the Temporary:

  • Conventional markets falter, led by tech shares
  • Bitcoin falls beneath $11,000 for the primary time since July
  • Stablecoins mint $100 million each day since mid-July

Our important dialogue is about DeFi’s “degens.” NLW talks about:

  • The numbers behind DeFi’s current run-up
  • What “degen” means on this context
  • Why degen is, partially, a response to earlier bitcoiner critiques of Ethereum 
  • Why degen is (in even larger half) a response to a no-yield, artificially low curiosity world

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