Vinnik’s legal professional appeals towards 5-year jail sentence

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Vinnik’s legal professional appeals towards 5-year jail sentence

The protection workforce of Alexander Vinnik, an alleged Bitcoin launderer who was sentenced to a five-year jail time period, disagrees with the co

The protection workforce of Alexander Vinnik, an alleged Bitcoin launderer who was sentenced to a five-year jail time period, disagrees with the court docket’s resolution.

In accordance with a Dec. 18 report by Russian information company Kommersant, Vinnik’s legal professional Frederic Belot has appealed the French court docket’s judgement, arguing that the defendant was not concerned in any cash laundering operations.

Citing a Dec. 6 judgement charging Vinnik for “cash laundering as a part of an organized prison group,” Belot emphasised that no “prison group” consists of 1 individual. “The court docket didn’t identify a single identify even supposedly belonging to this group,” Belot reportedly stated.

In accordance with Belot, Vinnik was somewhat a sufferer of his nameless “employers” at now-defunct crypto change BTC-e, as his involvement in managing the platform has not been proved: “Vinnik was only a full-time dealer and he didn’t take part, no less than consciously, in any cash laundering operations,” Belot declared.

Vinnik’s protection expects the court docket to listen to the enchantment in 4 months, Belot famous. Attorneys additionally argued that the judgement by the Paris court docket was primarily based on an investigation topic to interference from United States intelligence companies. In accordance with the report, Vinnik faces a 50-year jail time period within the U.S. within the occasion of potential extradition.

Colloquially referred to as “Mr. Bitcoin,” Vinnik is the convicted creator of a world unlawful scheme that laundered over $four billion price of capital flows via BTC-e. Greater than three years after his arrest in Greece, Vinnik’s trial lastly occurred in early December 2020. Vinnik beforehand denied his involvement at BTC-e, claiming that he was simply an worker on the agency.