Covid Issues & Fed Coverage to Conflict

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Covid Issues & Fed Coverage to Conflict

Inventory Market Third Quarter Forecast:The Nasdaq has stood on the forefront of threat urge for food within the wake of covid an

Inventory Market Third Quarter Forecast:

  • The Nasdaq has stood on the forefront of threat urge for food within the wake of covid and will proceed to take action
  • Accommodative Fed coverage and rising covid circumstances will conflict for management of market sentiment
  • All of the whereas, a looming presidential election will serve to create uncertainty and volatility

Inventory Market Third Quarter Forecast: Covid Issues & Fed Coverage to Conflict

Fairness markets loved a outstanding restoration within the second quarter, recouping a lot of the bottom they misplaced within the preliminary coronavirus crash. Because the third quarter begins, most of the identical themes that dominated inventory market worth motion over the past three months look poised to proceed their reign in the meanwhile. Subsequently, market sentiment and, in flip, inventory costs will proceed to observe coronavirus circumstances, lockdown procedures and the resultant coverage diversifications from the Federal Reserve.

Nasdaq 100 Worth Chart: 4 – Hour Time Body (February – July)

Stock Market Third Quarter Forecast: Covid Concerns & Fed Policy to Clash

With the Nasdaq 100 on the forefront of threat urge for food all through the second quarter, there’s little to recommend the tech-heavy index is not going to proceed to cleared the path, significantly with most of the identical themes at hand. Along with coronavirus and the Fed’s financial coverage path, a looming presidential election will serve to create additional uncertainty that the Nasdaq 100, Dow Jones and S&P 500 should grapple with. Learn the complete third quarter fairness forecast by means of the banner beneath.

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–Written by Peter Hanks, Analyst for

Contact and observe Peter on Twitter @PeterHanksFX