Brexit: EU leaders signal UK withdrawal deal

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Brexit: EU leaders signal UK withdrawal deal

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Ursula von der Leyen and Charles MichelPicture copyright
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A historic second for the EU: Signing off on the UK’s exit

The heads of the European Fee and Council – Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel – have signed the Withdrawal Settlement, forward of the UK’s exit from the EU on 31 January.

The Queen permitted it on Thursday, and subsequent Wednesday the European Parliament is anticipated to vote for it too.

The UK has agreed to abide by EU guidelines throughout a transition interval till the top of the 12 months. By 2021 the UK goals to have agreed a deal on future ties.

Brexit ends 46 years within the EU membership.

The doc is now on its method to Downing Road for signing by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Mrs von der Leyen and different senior EU figures are sceptical in regards to the UK authorities’s plan to barter a complete deal on future relations earlier than the top of 2020. They imagine the timetable for that’s too tight.

However Prime Minister Boris Johnson is upbeat, insisting the UK can now transfer ahead after years of wrangling over Brexit.

Charles Michel, the previous Belgian Prime Minister who chairs EU summits, said in a tweet “issues will inevitably change however our friendship will stay.

“We begin a brand new chapter as companions and allies.”

The EU Fee official who spent greater than three years negotiating Brexit – Michel Barnier – stood behind the 2 EU leaders on the signing ceremony.

Earlier Mr Johnson stated “at occasions it felt like we might by no means cross the Brexit end line, however we have carried out it.

“Now we will put the rancour and division of the previous three years behind us and give attention to delivering a vivid, thrilling future – with higher hospitals and faculties, safer streets and alternative unfold to each nook of our nation.”

MPs overruled an try by the Home of Lords to safe extra rights, together with for unaccompanied little one refugees, within the Withdrawal Settlement.