European flag to remain up at Holyrood after Brexit

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European flag to remain up at Holyrood after Brexit

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The European flag will now keep up at Holyrood even after the UK leaves the EU

The European flag is to proceed flying exterior the Scottish Parliament past Brexit after MSPs voted to stick with it.

Holyrood’s administration group had deliberate to decrease the flag at 23:00 on Friday, the second the UK leaves the EU.

Nevertheless MSPs voted by 63 to 54 to overturn this resolution after the Scottish authorities compelled a debate.

Presiding Officer Ken Macintosh warned ministers to not politicise the difficulty, saying the flags flown at Holyrood “mirror {our relationships} in legislation”.

The Conservatives, Labour and the Lib Dems argued that the “non-political” resolution of the Parliamentary Company Physique needs to be revered, however SNP and Inexperienced MSPs united to “direct” the group to maintain the flag up.

The Scottish Parliamentary Company Physique (SPCB) – a administration group made up of an MSP from every of Holyrood’s events – had made the choice to take away the flag after Brexit, however to fly it every year on Europe Day.

Nevertheless this has now been overturned after a quick however heated debate within the chamber, with the group pledging to abide by the results of the vote.

The movement handed by MSPs famous that Scotland and the UK would stay within the Council of Europe, and stated the flag ought to keep up “as an indication of assist and solidarity with these EU nationals who’ve made Scotland their residence”.

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Fiona Hyslop stated ministers didn’t take the choice evenly

Main for the federal government, Exterior Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop stated MSPs ought to “stand agency in solidarity with all of the EU residents who stay in Scotland” and maintain the flag flying “as a sensible demonstration of our remorse” about Brexit.

She stated ministers didn’t take the prospect of “directing” the parliamentary authorities evenly, and stated “it shouldn’t occur usually” – however stated “I don’t imagine their resolution displays the views of parliament as an entire, and nor do I imagine that the choice might be non-political”.

Inexperienced MSP Ross Greer echoed that time, saying there was “no approach to make the binary alternative between retaining the European flag up and taking it down with out that alternative being political”.

However Tory Liz Smith stated it was “very important there’s full belief and confidence” within the “neutral” work of the SPCB, warning that members needs to be “nicely conscious of the hazards” of “undermining” the group.

Labour’s Daniel Johnson stated the company physique had been set as much as be “past celebration politics” in order that “the parliament shouldn’t be inside the management of the federal government”, and that this precept might be “undermined” by the vote.

And Lib Dem Liam McArthur stated Holyrood’s flags had been “an announcement of authorized reality, not political need”, including that “we’ve an obligation as MSPs to guard the neutrality of this establishment”.