Joanna Cherry to problem Angus Robertson for SNP nomination

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Joanna Cherry to problem Angus Robertson for SNP nomination

Picture copyright UK Parliament

Joanna CherryPicture copyright
UK Parliament

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Joanna Cherry is presently an MP representing Edinburgh South West

Joanna Cherry is to go head-to-head with former Westminster chief Angus Robertson in a bid to be the SNP candidate for Ruth Davidson’s Holyrood seat.

The Edinburgh South West MP confirmed she would contest for her celebration’s help for the Scottish Parliament’s Edinburgh Central constituency.

It comes 4 days after the SNP’s former Westminster chief introduced he deliberate to bid for the seat.

The Tories have a 610-vote majority.

The seat was gained from the SNP by the previous Scottish Conservative chief on the final Scottish Parliament election in 2016 however Ms Davidson has indicated she can be stepping down on the subsequent ballot.

Since then, she accepted after which turned down a lucrative job with a lobbying agency and has been nominated for a seat in the House of Lords.

Mr Robertson misplaced his Westminster seat to the Conservatives’ Douglas Ross on the 2017 normal election.

Ms Cherry not too long ago gained recognition for main the Scottish court docket case difficult the five-week prorogation of parliament.

It was finally profitable within the Supreme Courtroom, ensuing within the quashing of the suspension, which had been imposed in September.

Saying his intention to contest the seat, Mr Robertson accused Ms Davidson of placing “different profession pursuits in London forward of the folks she nonetheless represents at Holyrood” and argued that constituents “deserve higher”.

He mentioned: “Edinburgh Central deserves a full-time MSP who will put the pursuits of their constituents first.”

Picture copyright
PA Media

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Angus Robertson was an MP from 2001 till 2017