Labour management: Former PM helps Starmer for brand spanking new chief

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Labour management: Former PM helps Starmer for brand spanking new chief

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Gordon Brown mentioned Sir Keir had the eloquence and dedication to be a future PM

Former Labour prime minister and celebration chief Gordon Brown has introduced he’s supporting Sir Keir Starmer because the celebration’s subsequent chief.

In a video posted on social media, Mr Brown mentioned: “Keir Starmer has all of the {qualifications} which are crucial for a major minister of the longer term.”

Three candidates stay within the race to interchange Jeremy Corbyn – Lisa Nandy, Rebecca Lengthy Bailey and Sir Keir.

The brand new celebration chief and deputy chief will probably be introduced on four April.

Mr Brown mentioned all of the candidates had been “worthy” to guide the celebration, and he praised Wigan MP Ms Nandy for focusing her marketing campaign on empowering communities, and shadow enterprise secretary Mrs Lengthy-Bailey for emphasising a Inexperienced New Deal.

Mr Brown mentioned: “There’s one candidate with the experience with the eloquence, the dedication, with the dedication, and with the values which are crucial for Labour to return to energy.

“A vote for Keir Starmer is a vote for hope. It is a vote for the longer term. It is a vote for the values that all of us imagine in deeply.”

Within the video, Mr Brown criticised the Conservatives for “demolishing a lot the social cloth and post-war contract”, created by the Labour celebration.

“Thousands and thousands of employees are on low pay, and tens of millions of kids are in poverty,” he mentioned.


Sir Keir is taken into account because the front-runner within the contest.

The 57-year-old shadow Brexit spokesman was the primary to qualify for the members’ poll, gaining the assist of the UK’s largest commerce union, Unison, and the transport union, the TSSA.

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Media captionSir Keir Starmer is requested about his pitch to be the following chief of the Labour Celebration.

In an interview with the BBC’s Andrew Neil on Wednesday, Sir Keir was challenged on his electability and management expertise.

Requested whether or not he had the charisma to rework Labour’s fortunes, Sir Keir mentioned there have been “other ways to encourage individuals” and his “unrelenting” mission was to return Labour to energy.

In February, Gordon Brown mentioned he was backing Scottish MP Ian Murray to take over as deputy chief of the Labour celebration.

Mr Murray is going through competitors from Angela Rayner, Daybreak Butler, Richard Burgon and Rosena Allin-Khan.

Gordon Brown led the Labour celebration from 2007 to 2010.