Tory MP says sorry after exposing himself in a pub

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Tory MP says sorry after exposing himself in a pub

James Grundy turned the Conservative MP for Leigh final December after managing to overturn a 10,000 vote majority and 97 years of Labour dominanc

James Grundy turned the Conservative MP for Leigh final December after managing to overturn a 10,000 vote majority and 97 years of Labour dominance.

Much less spectacular, nonetheless, is a recording of Grundy obtained by LBC which seems to point out the MP flashing in a pub again in 2007. Grundy, who went on to turn out to be a Tory councillor in Wigan shortly after the video was filmed, has responded to the clip saying ‘I apologise for my actions and for any offence brought on’. You’ll be able to view the clip right here: