A Riot Amid a Pandemic: Did the Virus, Too, Storm the Capitol?

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A Riot Amid a Pandemic: Did the Virus, Too, Storm the Capitol?

Three distinct teams — Capitol Police, rioters and members of Congress — “had been spending time indoors, with out social distancing, for lengthy d

Three distinct teams — Capitol Police, rioters and members of Congress — “had been spending time indoors, with out social distancing, for lengthy durations of time,” stated Dr. Joshua Barocas, an infectious illnesses doctor at Boston College. The melee seemingly was a super-spreader occasion, he added, “particularly given the backdrop of the extremely transmissible variants which are circulating.”

Dr. Barocas was referring to a extremely contagious new variant of the coronavirus, first recognized in Britain. It has been noticed in a number of U.S. states however could effectively have unfold in all places within the nation, making occasions just like the Capitol riot much more dangerous, he stated.

The concept that members of Congress could have been uncovered, amid an already troublesome switch of energy, notably disturbed some scientists. “I’m apprehensive not solely that it might it might result in tremendous spreading, but additionally tremendous spreading to people who find themselves elected officers,” stated Dr. Tom Ingelsby, director of the Heart for Well being Safety at Johns Hopkins College.

And contaminated members of Congress and regulation enforcement might have unfold the virus to 1 one other as they sheltered from the violence, he famous.

Rep. Jake LaTurner, Republican of Kansas, introduced on Twitter early Thursday morning that he had examined constructive for the virus. Mr. LaTurner was cloistered within the chamber with different members of Congress for a lot of the day.

Not less than a dozen of the 400 or so lawmakers and employees who had been huddling in a single committee room refused to put on masks even after being supplied one, or wore them improperly beneath their chins, stated Consultant Susan Wild, Democrat of Pennsylvania.

They gathered in a committee room that rapidly grew to become crowded, making social distancing unimaginable, she stated. A number of the lawmakers had been unmasked, and several other had been shouting: “Tensions had been excessive, and other people had been yelling at one another.”
