Harris crystallizes Trump’s view of ladies: They’re ‘nasty’ or housewives.

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Harris crystallizes Trump’s view of ladies: They’re ‘nasty’ or housewives.

Within the hours since Kamala Harris joined the Democratic presidential ticket, President Trump has responded by sorting ladies into two classes: t

Within the hours since Kamala Harris joined the Democratic presidential ticket, President Trump has responded by sorting ladies into two classes: the great “suburban housewife” he believes will vote for him, and nasty ladies who haven’t proven him or his political allies ample respect.

After Joseph R. Biden Jr. introduced on Tuesday that Ms. Harris can be his working mate, Mr. Trump wasted no time sorting her into the “nasty” camp, a class additionally occupied by the final lady to run in opposition to him on a Democratic ticket.

“She was terribly nasty to Brett Kavanaugh — Decide Kavanaugh then, now Justice Kavanaugh,” Mr. Trump mentioned of Ms. Harris, utilizing “nasty” or some model of the phrase no fewer than 4 occasions as he referred to Senate affirmation hearings held in 2018.

On Wednesday morning, after his allies on Fox Information had spent the night evaluating Ms. Harris, who’s of Jamaican and Indian descent, to unethical “time-share salesmen” and “payday lenders,” Mr. Trump crowed that the American “suburban housewife” — a label utilized by the president to play into white racist fears about neighborhood integration efforts — can be on his aspect in November.

“They need security” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter, including that they “are thrilled that I ended the lengthy working program the place low revenue housing would invade their neighborhood,” referring to an Obama-era effort that inspired diversification of American communities.
