Mfume to Return to Congress, Succeeding Elijah Cummings

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Mfume to Return to Congress, Succeeding Elijah Cummings

WASHINGTON — Kweisi Mfume, a former Democratic congressman and president of the N.A.A.C.P., gained a particular election on Tuesday to signify Balt

WASHINGTON — Kweisi Mfume, a former Democratic congressman and president of the N.A.A.C.P., gained a particular election on Tuesday to signify Baltimore in Congress, reclaiming a seat he held almost 25 years in the past to complete the time period of his successor, Consultant Elijah E. Cummings, who died in October.

In the district, which includes parts of Baltimore and Howard Counties in Maryland, Democrats outnumber Republicans by a margin of 4 to 1 and had returned Mr. Cummings to Congress 13 times. His death in October, after months of poor health, was a devastating loss for House Democrats, who in the words of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, viewed him as “our North Star.”

Though Representative Carolyn B. Maloney, Democrat of New York, has succeeded Mr. Cummings to lead the oversight committee, Mr. Mfume will complete the remainder of Mr. Cummings’s term. His name will appear on the state’s primary ballot in June, when he will again seek the party’s nomination to compete in the general election for a full term beginning in January.

Mr. Mfume centered his campaign on his decades of experience in Baltimore as a city councilman, congressman and civil rights leader.

“At this critical time for our country, and every neighborhood in every corner of Maryland, we need a full and active delegation fighting side by side to protect the health, rights and dignity of every person in our state,” said Senator Ben Cardin, Democrat of Maryland, who was first elected to the House with Mr. Mfume.

“As both the predecessor and now successor to our friend and colleague Elijah Cummings, I know Congressman Mfume will serve the people of the Seventh Congressional District in a way that honors Elijah’s deep legacy and builds on his incredible record,” he added.

Mr. Mfume, in a statement to The Sun, said that “sometimes strong-willed leaders have differences of opinion.”