Trump Praises Barr for Dropping Prices In opposition to Flynn

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Trump Praises Barr for Dropping Prices In opposition to Flynn

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Friday responded to the Justice Division’s resolution to drop prison prices in opposition to his former nationwide

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Friday responded to the Justice Division’s resolution to drop prison prices in opposition to his former nationwide safety adviser, Michael T. Flynn, by delivering his most intensive and aggrieved remarks on the Russia investigation because the coronavirus paralyzed the nation.

Chatting with Fox Information, Mr. Trump praised Lawyer Normal William P. Barr for the dramatic action announced Thursday, which nullified a major case prosecuted by the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

“So he came back and he said, ‘This is an innocent man,’” Mr. Trump said of the federal prosecutor, Jeff Jensen of the Eastern District of Missouri.

Mr. Trump said the outcome reflected well on Mr. Barr, who has expressed skepticism of the Mueller inquiry. “He’s the opposite of Robert Mueller, because you look at Mueller — that was purely corrupt,” Mr. Trump said.

Mr. Trump made the remarks in a nearly hourlong appearance on one of his favorite Fox News Channel programs, “Fox and Friends.” The pandemic did not come up until nearly 20 minutes into the interview.

Mr. Trump lamented that the virus had interrupted a period of economic growth, saying that advisers had come to him and said, “Sir, you’ve got to turn it off. We have to close the country.”

“As president, we had the strongest economy in the history of the world, the strongest economy, we’ve ever had,” he said. “We’ll be back, and they’ll be back very soon. And next year we’re going to have a phenomenal year, people are ready to go.”

Mr. Trump said, after prompting, that he would send a rapid-result Abbott Laboratories test kit from the White House’s inventory to the home of his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joseph Biden Jr., if Mr. Biden asked him. Mr. Trump said that would allow his Democratic opponent to “get out of the basement so he can speak,” adding, “every time he talks, it’s, like, a good thing.”

The valet was among staff members who serve the president meals. Mr. Trump said that those staff members have begun wearing masks, although many other White House officials and staff — including the president himself — do not.