WATCH: All roads lead again to the filibuster

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WATCH: All roads lead again to the filibuster

The continuing debate over filibuster reform took middle stage in political information this week. TARA and EUGENE look again at Biden’s response

The continuing debate over filibuster reform took middle stage in political information this week. TARA and EUGENE look again at Biden’s response over eliminating the filibuster throughout his first official press convention on Thursday. In addition they focus on why the filibuster is the one method Democrats can cross laws on gun management and voting rights.

Watch all the person clips that Eugene and Tara get into on this week’s version of Playback:

1. Biden thinks the filibuster is a relic of the Jim Crow period

Throughout his first official alternate with reporters, Biden gave imprecise solutions on reducing the variety of votes to 51 to cross laws via the Senate. However when requested if he agreed with President Barack Obama’s evaluation that rule was a relic of the Jim Crow period, he agreed.