Tag: appeals

1 4 5 6 7 8 10 90 / 136 POSTS
Appeals Court Questions Trump’s Bid for Secrecy on Jan. 6 Papers

Appeals Court Questions Trump’s Bid for Secrecy on Jan. 6 Papers

One of the lawyers, Jesse R. Binnall, offered to do another round of written briefing to flesh out additional issues.Another lawyer for Mr. Trump, [...]
Appeals court judges poised to reject Trump’s effort to withhold Jan. 6 documents

Appeals court judges poised to reject Trump’s effort to withhold Jan. 6 documents

During the three-and-a-half-hour argument session Monday, Millett and fellow judges Robert Wilkins and Ketanji Brown Jackson — all Democratic appo [...]
Biden Vaccine Mandate Challenges Moved to Appeals Court in Ohio

Biden Vaccine Mandate Challenges Moved to Appeals Court in Ohio

WASHINGTON — A federal judicial panel on Tuesday assigned the appeals court in Cincinnati to handle at least 34 lawsuits that have been filed aroun [...]
Biden vaccine mandate legal battle heads to federal appeals court with GOP-appointed majority

Biden vaccine mandate legal battle heads to federal appeals court with GOP-appointed majority

People shout slogans against the government as they arrive to the City Hall in protest of COVID-19 vaccine mandate in New York City, October 25, 20 [...]
Appeals Court Extends Block on Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Employers

Appeals Court Extends Block on Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Employers

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court has kept its block in place against a federal mandate that all large employers require their workers to get va [...]
Appeals Court Lets Texas Continue to Enforce Near-Total Abortion Ban

Appeals Court Lets Texas Continue to Enforce Near-Total Abortion Ban

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court said on Thursday that a near-total ban on abortions in Texas can remain in effect while the courts decide whet [...]
Appeals Panel Overturns Army Judge’s Ruling on Torture

Appeals Panel Overturns Army Judge’s Ruling on Torture

GUANTÁNAMO BAY, Cuba — A Pentagon appeals panel on Monday threw out a ruling by an Army judge who found that evidence obtained during the torture o [...]
How lengthy will Chauvin serve and what occurs subsequent: Sentencing, civil trials, appeals

How lengthy will Chauvin serve and what occurs subsequent: Sentencing, civil trials, appeals

After a 12 months of protests, anguish, and a weekslong trial, former police officer Derek Chauvin has been discovered responsible of murdering [...]
How lengthy will Chauvin serve and what occurs subsequent: Sentencing, civil trials, appeals

How lengthy will Chauvin serve and what occurs subsequent: Sentencing, civil trials, appeals

After a 12 months of protests, anguish, and a weeks-long trial, former police officer Derek Chauvin has been discovered responsible of murdering [...]
US EPA says agrees with appeals courtroom's resolution on biofuel mixing exemptions

US EPA says agrees with appeals courtroom's resolution on biofuel mixing exemptions

The U.S. Environmental Safety Company stated on Monday that it agrees with an appeals courtroom's resolution final yr that forged doubt on a progra [...]
1 4 5 6 7 8 10 90 / 136 POSTS