Tag: lastminute

1 225 / 25 POSTS
A file early vote, and last-minute lawsuits, mark the tip of a marketing campaign reworked by the pandemic.

A file early vote, and last-minute lawsuits, mark the tip of a marketing campaign reworked by the pandemic.

At a cease on Monday in Avoca, Pa., Mr. Trump criticized a current Supreme Courtroom choice permitting Pennsylvania to simply accept absentee ballo [...]
Bloomberg Funds Final-Minute 2020 Election Advert Blitz for Biden in Texas and Ohio

Bloomberg Funds Final-Minute 2020 Election Advert Blitz for Biden in Texas and Ohio

Michael R. Bloomberg is funding a last-minute spending blitz to bolster former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in Texas and Ohio, directing tens [...]
Bloomberg Funds Final-Minute Promoting Blitz for Biden in Texas and Ohio

Bloomberg Funds Final-Minute Promoting Blitz for Biden in Texas and Ohio

Michael R. Bloomberg is funding a last-minute spending blitz to bolster former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in Texas and Ohio, directing thou [...]
Schools are making last-minute adjustments as Covid-19 circumstances spike. That’s been powerful for college kids.

Schools are making last-minute adjustments as Covid-19 circumstances spike. That’s been powerful for college kids.

Coronavirus circumstances are flooding the campuses of US schools and universities, resulting in last-minute educational adjustments — and sudde [...]
Home to go $2 trillion coronavirus package deal — however not with out last-minute drama

Home to go $2 trillion coronavirus package deal — however not with out last-minute drama

A number of conservative hard-liners rushed to defend Massie, with Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) telling Trump to "again off." And the Home Freedom Cauc [...]
Final-minute rule change permits instances to be offered over three days, not 2.

Final-minute rule change permits instances to be offered over three days, not 2.

Final-minute rule change permits instances to be offered over three days, not 2.Republicans made last-minute modifications of their proposed organi [...]
1 225 / 25 POSTS