Tag: Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull: ‘Watch out what you would like for’

Malcolm Turnbull: ‘Watch out what you would like for’

Talking to BBC's Query Time, former Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull warned that the UK "must be cautious what you would like for" in pursuing an Aus [...]
Malcolm Turnbull: ‘Watch out what you want for’

Malcolm Turnbull: ‘Watch out what you want for’

Former Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull warned the UK over an 'Australian-style' commerce deal, on the BBC's Query Time.He stated leaving EU buying a [...]
Brexit: Malcolm Turnbull tells UK 'watch out what you would like for' over EU commerce

Brexit: Malcolm Turnbull tells UK 'watch out what you would like for' over EU commerce

Malcolm Turnbull tells BBC Query Time his nation's association with the EU has "giant boundaries". www.bbc.co.uk [...]
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