Biden Steps Up Warnings of Doable Trump Disruption of Election

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Biden Steps Up Warnings of Doable Trump Disruption of Election

For months, Joseph R. Biden Jr. has argued that beneath strain and political duress, President Trump might pursue more and more excessive measures

For months, Joseph R. Biden Jr. has argued that beneath strain and political duress, President Trump might pursue more and more excessive measures to remain in energy.

In November, Mr. Biden mentioned he feared that “because the partitions shut in on him he turns into extra erratic. And I’m genuinely involved about what he might do with the intention to attempt to maintain on to the workplace.”

In January, Mr. Biden fretted: “He nonetheless has one other 9 or 10 months. God is aware of what can occur.”

And on Thursday, he added some urgency to his warnings, suggesting that Mr. Trump would possibly attempt to delay or in any other case disrupt the election.

“Mark my phrases, I feel he’s going to attempt to chill the election someway, give you some rationale why it will probably’t be held,” Mr. Biden mentioned at a fund-raiser, in response to a information media pool report. Mr. Trump, he urged, is “making an attempt to let the phrase out that he’s going to do all he can to make it very arduous for folks to vote. That’s the one means he thinks he can probably win.”

It was a rare declare for the presumptive Democratic nominee to make about an opponent, particularly for Mr. Biden, a former vp and Washington veteran who prides himself on civility and respect for American establishments, together with and particularly the presidency.

“It very much is reflecting the fear that a lot of people have about how President Trump is going to respond later in the year to this election, especially if he continues to see his polls drop, and if he continues to flail and lash out,” said Chuck Hagel, who served as defense secretary in the Obama administration and before that as a Republican senator from Nebraska, and who hosted Mr. Biden at a fund-raiser this month.

Mr. Hagel said he had heard widespread concerns “about what President Trump may pull, especially if he sees he’s losing.”

Mr. Biden’s campaign declined to comment further on his remarks from Thursday night.

Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign dismissed Mr. Biden’s comments on Friday. “Those are the incoherent, conspiracy theory ramblings of a lost candidate who is out of touch with reality,” Tim Murtaugh, communications director for Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign, said in a statement.

And a Republican National Committee spokesman, Steve Guest, called Mr. Biden’s comments “an irresponsible allegation,” adding that “President Trump has made it clear that the general election will happen on November 3rd.”

Mr. Biden has repeatedly pointed out that America has voted through crises including the Civil War and World War II, and has been adamant that the nation will hold an election this November, too. As the coronavirus outbreak unfolded this spring, forcing many states to postpone their presidential primaries, Mr. Biden routinely and vehemently dismissed the prospect of a delayed presidential election as “out of the question.”

“I know there’s a lot of rumors and speculation as to, ‘is the other guy going to try to postpone the election in November’ and all that,” Mr. Biden said at a fund-raiser last month. “There’s no need to do that.”

Mr. Biden has also signaled that he is acutely aware of the roadblocks to voting that Americans may face as an election unfolds amid a pandemic — and has sought to call attention to those challenges early.

“It’s a wake-up call, so the American people can understand the depths to which this president will go to maintain power,” said Representative Cedric Richmond, Democrat of Louisiana and a co-chairman of Mr. Biden’s campaign, when asked about Mr. Biden’s suggestion that Mr. Trump would try to delay the election. “And there’s a need to prepare.”

“He thinks that all the power is in the presidency, and so I think it’s a very valid concern,” Mr. Richmond said.

Mr. Biden’s escalating remarks about Mr. Trump’s approach to the election come as a number of polls have shown that many Americans disapprove of the president’s stewardship of the crisis, and that he badly trails the nation’s governors and his own medical experts in terms of whom Americans trust most for guidance.

Mr. Biden is a passionate critic of Mr. Trump’s character, and his latest remarks appeared to be another effort to convince voters that the president is desperate for victory at any cost.

Of course, character attacks on Mr. Trump are not enough to win the presidency — in 2016, Hillary Clinton and her campaign spent months lashing Mr. Trump’s integrity to no avail. Mr. Biden is also aware of the need for a broader, more tangible message this cycle, especially at a moment of economic disaster for many Americans.

And despite the current health and financial problems facing the nation, Republicans say there is still time for Mr. Trump to push a recovery narrative before November.

David Pepper, the chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party, still expects the election next fall, stressing that there are constitutional guardrails protecting the contest. But in his presidential battleground state, Mr. Pepper said, Democrats are deeply concerned by the president’s criticisms of voting by mail — a practice defended by the state’s Republican governor.

Mr. Pepper said he agreed with Mr. Biden that “Trump, I think, will be tempted to do pretty much anything if he feels he might lose.”