Tag: copper

1 7 8 9 10 11 17 135 / 245 POSTS
Reinvigorated Copper Commerce – Fundamentals and Techs Stay Supportive: Q3 High Buying and selling Alternatives

Reinvigorated Copper Commerce – Fundamentals and Techs Stay Supportive: Q3 High Buying and selling Alternatives

Financial Coverage Stays Unaltered for NowInternational financial coverage has remained accommodative with rates of interest remaining at or close [...]
Reinvigorated Copper Commerce – Fundamentals and Techs Stay Supportive: Q3 High Buying and selling Alternatives

Reinvigorated Copper Commerce – Fundamentals and Techs Stay Supportive: Q3 High Buying and selling Alternatives

Financial Coverage Stays Unaltered for NowInternational financial coverage has remained accommodative with rates of interest remaining at or close [...]
AUD/USD Dragged Down by Copper Correction

AUD/USD Dragged Down by Copper Correction

Australian Greenback Evaluation and Speaking FactorsCopper Drags AUD DecreaseLittle Conviction Forward of FOMCYuan and Price Differentials Working [...]
Bitcoin is dangerous digital ‘copper’, it’s not gold — Goldman Sachs commodities boss

Bitcoin is dangerous digital ‘copper’, it’s not gold — Goldman Sachs commodities boss

Jeff Currie, the worldwide head of commodities analysis at Goldman Sachs, has dismissed comparisons between Bitcoin and gold as an inflation hedge, [...]
1 7 8 9 10 11 17 135 / 245 POSTS