Tag: Opinion

1 40 41 42 43 44 45 630 / 664 POSTS
The right way to Survive the Coronavirus and Maintain Your Startup Alive

The right way to Survive the Coronavirus and Maintain Your Startup Alive

Preston Byrne, a columnist for CoinDesk's new opinion part, is a accomplice in Anderson Kill's Expertise, Media and Distributed Methods Group. He a [...]
Lex Sokolin: We Do not Want Libra, We Want A New System

Lex Sokolin: We Do not Want Libra, We Want A New System

Lex Sokolin, a CoinDesk columnist, is World Fintech co-head at ConsenSys, a Brooklyn, N.Y.-based blockchain software program firm. The next is cust [...]
Jeff Dorman: Crypto Wants a Worth Investing Mannequin

Jeff Dorman: Crypto Wants a Worth Investing Mannequin

Jeff Dorman, a CoinDesk columnist, is chief funding officer at Arca the place he leads the funding committee and is accountable for portfolio sizin [...]
Bitcoin, Bonds and Gold: Why Markets Are Upended in a Time of Concern

Bitcoin, Bonds and Gold: Why Markets Are Upended in a Time of Concern

Noelle Acheson is a veteran of firm evaluation and CoinDesk’s director of analysis. The opinions expressed on this article are the creator’s person [...]
The Gig Financial system Is Unfair. This is How Token Fashions Can Assist

The Gig Financial system Is Unfair. This is How Token Fashions Can Assist

Gys Hough is Managing Associate at Coinstone Capital, an Amsterdam-based digital asset funding fund focussed on tokenization. Gys can be a associat [...]
The Tokenization Delusion – CoinDesk

The Tokenization Delusion – CoinDesk

Frances Coppola, a CoinDesk columnist, is a contract author and speaker on banking, finance and economics.  Let me let you know a few pretty dream. [...]
The Harmful Reality About India’s Cryptocurrency Verdict

The Harmful Reality About India’s Cryptocurrency Verdict

Tanvi Ratna is the founder and CEO of Policy 4.0 and works actively with policymakers in India on blockchain initiatives. She was previously blockc [...]
Opinion | Why the Democratic Institution Nonetheless Has Juice

Opinion | Why the Democratic Institution Nonetheless Has Juice

One cause it was so broadly assumed Sanders would take a big delegate lead on Tremendous Tuesday was that we had a direct analogue — Republica [...]
Info Overload Is Stopping Us From Seeing the Reality

Info Overload Is Stopping Us From Seeing the Reality

Yorke Rhodes III, a CoinDesk columnist, co-founded Blockchain at Microsoft and is Principal Program Supervisor, Azure Blockchain Engineering and Bo [...]
With Freedom at Stake, Extra Hongkongers See Bitcoin’s Distinctive Worth

With Freedom at Stake, Extra Hongkongers See Bitcoin’s Distinctive Worth

Leo Weese is President of the Bitcoin Affiliation of Hong Kong. From June to November 2019, Hong Kong noticed its worst civil unrest in 50 years. W [...]
India’s Supreme Courtroom Ruling Is a Win for the Entire Blockchain Trade

India’s Supreme Courtroom Ruling Is a Win for the Entire Blockchain Trade

Ajit Tripathi, a CoinDesk columnist, is an entrepreneur and crypto co-host on the Breaking Banks Europe Podcast. Beforehand, he served as a Fintech [...]
Cease Treating Bitcoin as Dangerous. It is a Safer Asset Than Most

Cease Treating Bitcoin as Dangerous. It is a Safer Asset Than Most

Jill Carlson, a CoinDesk columnist, is co-founder of the Open Cash Initiative, a non-profit analysis group working to ensure the precise to a free [...]
Tron’s Takeover of Steemit Is Web Historical past Repeating Itself

Tron’s Takeover of Steemit Is Web Historical past Repeating Itself

Valerian Bennett is Managing Director of the Pop Network Foundation, which is devoted to serving to creators and communities discover their freedom [...]
Why Aren’t the Candidates Speaking About Digital Forex?

Why Aren’t the Candidates Speaking About Digital Forex?

At present’s arrival of Tremendous Tuesday, that 15-state do-or-die Democratic main battle, looks like an excellent excuse for a retrospective on h [...]
Even With CBDCs, the State Will not Forfeit Its Energy Over Cash

Even With CBDCs, the State Will not Forfeit Its Energy Over Cash

James Cooper is a professor of legislation at California Western Faculty of Legislation in San Diego. A former contractor for the U.S. and advisor [...]
1 40 41 42 43 44 45 630 / 664 POSTS